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Use Terraform to deploy a Tailscale Subnet Router for interconnecting IBM Cloud VPCs

Advertise multiple VPC subnets to your larger tailscale network.


In this post I will show you how you can use Terraform to deploy a Tailscale Subnet Router in an IBM Cloud VPC and connect it to multiple spoke VPCs in the same region. Subnet routers act as a gateway, relaying traffic from your tailnet to the VPC subnets without the need for each device to be running the tailscale agent.

In this demo environment we will connect a hub VPC, where the Subnet Router instance is running, to prod and dev VPCs in the same region via a local IBM Cloud Transit Gateway.

You can also interconnect VPCs in different regions using a Global Transit Gateway, but for this example we will keep it local to keep the costs low.


Diagram of Tailscale deployment


Getting started

Clone repository and configure terraform variables

The first step is to clone the repository and configure the terraform variables.

git clone
cd ibmcloud-vpc-ts-router

Copy the example terraform variables file and update the values with your own.

cp tfvars-template terraform.tfvars


dev_prefixThe address prefix to use for the dev_vpc VPCstring""no
existing_resource_groupThe IBM Cloud resource group to assign to the provisioned resources.stringn/ayes
existing_ssh_keyThe name of an existing SSH key to use for provisioning resources. If one is not provided, a new key will be generated.string""no
hub_prefixThe address prefix to use for the hub VPCstring""no
ibmcloud_api_keyThe IBM Cloud API key to use for provisioning resourcesstringn/ayes
ibmcloud_regionThe IBM Cloud region to use for provisioning VPCs and other resources.stringn/ayes
prod_prefixThe address prefix to use for the prod_vpc VPCstring""no
project_prefixThe prefix to use for naming resources. If none is provided, a random string will be generated.string""no
tailscale_api_keyThe Tailscale API keystringn/ayes
tailscale_tailnet_idThe Tailscale tailnet IDstringn/ayes

Initialize, Plan and Apply the Terraform configuration

Once you have the required variables set, you can initialize the terraform configuration and create a plan for the deployment.

terraform init
terraform plan -out=plan.out

If no errors are returned, you can apply the plan to create the VPCs, subnets, and compute instances.

terraform apply plan.out

When the provosion is complete, you should see the output of the plan, including the private IP addresses of the compute hosts.

Apply complete! Resources: 41 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


dev_node_ip = ""
dev_vpc_subnet = ""
hub_vpc_subnet = ""
prod_node_ip = ""
prod_vpc_subnet = ""
ts_router_ip = ""

Approve the advertised subnets in the Tailscale admin console

By default the subnet router will not advertise any of the subnets until they are approved in the Tailscale admin console. From the admin console, navigate to the Machines tab and click the subnet router instance name. On the machine details page you should see the subnets that are available to be advertised.

Subnets awaiting advertisement approval

Under Approved click Edit and select the subnets you want to advertise and click Save.

Approving the subnets

Connect to Tailscale and check connectivity

Once the subnets are approved, you can start the Tailscale app on your local machine and start testing connectivity to the private IP addresses of our VPC compute instances.

ssh root@<dev_node_ip>

# or

ssh root@<prod_node_ip>

Clean up

To remove the resources created by the terraform configuration, you can run the destroy command.

terraform destroy


In this example we have deployed a Tailscale subnet router in a hub IBM Cloud VPC and connected it to two spoke VPCs in the same region using a Transit Gateway. This allows us to connect in to our compute in these VPCs without the need for each device to be running the Tailscale agent.